
Készítettünk egy listát az általunk ismert tanulmányokról, kutatásokról amiknek a központjában az aszexualitás spektruma áll. Míg a lista főleg angol nyelvű tanulmányokból áll, igyekszünk a magyar nyelven készülteket is ide gyűjteni. A lista folyamatosan bővül, ha tudtok ti is hasonló tanulmányokat, kérjük küldjétek el nekünk emailben az info@aszex.hu címre!



Sulyok Viktória (2020): Aszexuális identitások és megküzdési stratégiák

Sulyok Viktória (2020): Aszexualitás és nyelvi diszkrimináció


Meskó Norbert, Szatmári Dóra, Láng András (2016): Miért szexelnek az emberek? — Újratöltve. A szexuális motiváció kérdőív magyar adaptációjának rövid változata (YSEX?-HSF)



Conley-Fonda, Brenna; Leisher, Taylor (2018): Asexuality: Sexual Health Does Not Require Sex

Hebbar, Y.R.; Magh, Senilio; Dash, Ashutosh (2018): “I am no male or female or any other, I have no sex”: a case report on asexuality

Parent, Mike C.; Ferriter, Kevin P. (2018): The Co-Occurrence of Asexuality and Self-Reported Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Diagnosis and Sexual Trauma Within the Past 12 Months Among U.S. College Students (teljes tartalom fizetős)

Zheng, Lijun; Zu, Yanchen (2018): Patterns of Asexuality in China: Sexual Activity, Sexual and Romantic Attraction, and Sexual Desire


Dawson, Matt; Scott, Susie; McDonnell, Liz (2017): Freedom and foreclosure: intimate consequences for asexual identities

Ekblad, Leif (2017): Asexuality : A possible background and how it relates to autism and neurodiversity

Vares, Tiina (2017): ‘My [asexuality] is playing hell with my dating life’: Romantic identified asexuals negotiate the dating game

Yule, Morag Allison; Brotto, Lori A.; Gorzalka, Boris B. (2017): Human Asexuality: What Do We Know About a Lack of Sexual Attraction?


Bogaert, Anthony F. (2016): What Asexuality Tells Us About Sexuality (teljes tartalom fizetős)

Brotto, Lori A.; Yule, Morag (2016): Asexuality: Sexual Orientation, Paraphilia, Sexual Dysfunction, or None of the Above?

Scherrer, Kristin S.; Pfeffer, Carla A. (2016): None of the Above: Toward Identity and Community-Based Understandings of (A)sexualities (teljes tartalom fizetős)

Van Houdenhove, Ellen; Gijs, Luk; Enzlin, Paul (2016): A Positive Approach Toward Asexuality: Some First Steps, But Still a Long Way to Go

Yule, Morag Allison; Brotto, Lori A.; Gorzalka, Boris B. (2016): Sexual Fantasy and Masturbation Among Asexual Individuals: An In-Depth Exploration


Bogaert, Anthony F. (2015): Asexuality: What It Is and Why It Matters

Hoffartha, Mark R.; Droleta, Caroline E.; Hodsona, Gordon; Hafera, Carolyn L. (2015): Development and validation of the Attitudes Towards Asexuals (ATA) scale (teljes tartalom fizetős)

Sloan, Lorca Jolene (2015): Ace of (BDSM) clubs: Building asexual relationships through BDSM practice


Emens, Elizabeth F. (2014): Compulsory Sexuality

Yule, Morag; Brotto, Lori; Gorzalka, Boris B. (2014): A Validated Measure of No Sexual Attraction: The Asexuality Identification Scale


Bogaert, Anthony F. (2013): The Demography of Asexuality

Carrigan, Mark; Gupta, Kristina; Morrison, Todd G. (2013): Asexuality special theme issue editorial

Chasin, C.J. DeLuzio (2013): Reconsidering asexuality and its radical potential

Gressgård, Randi (2013): Asexuality: From pathology to identity and beyond

Hughes, Lily (2013): The Presence of Absence: Asexuality and the Creation of Resistance

McClave, Caroline H. (2013): Asexuality as a Spectrum: A National Probability Sample Comparison to the Sexual Community in the UK

Pacho, Agata (2013): Establishing Asexual Identity: The Essential, the Imaginary, and the Collective

Przybylo, Ela (2013): Afterword: Some thoughts on asexuality as an interdisciplinary method

Przybylo, Ela (2013): Producing facts: Empirical asexuality and the scientific study of sex

Van Houdenhove, Ellen; Gijs, Luk; T’Sjoen, Guy; Enzlin, Paul (2013): Asexuality: Few Facts, Many Questions

Yule, Morag Allison; Brotto, Lori A.; Gorzalka, Boris B. (2013): Biological Markers of Asexuality: Handedness, Birth Order, and Finger Length Ratios in Self-identified Asexual Men and Women

Yule, Morag; Brotto, Lori; Gorzalka, Boris B. (2013): Mental Health and Interpersonal Functioning in Self-Identified Asexual Men and Women


Bogaert, Anthony F. (2012): Asexuality and Autochorissexualism (Identity-Less Sexuality)

Morrison, Melanie A.; Gazzola, Stephanie B. (2012): Asexuality: An Emergent Sexual Orientation


Brotto, Lori A.; Yule, Morag Allison (2011): Physiological and Subjective Sexual Arousal in Self-Identified Asexual Women

Haefner, Carol (2011): Asexual scripts: A grounded theory inquiry into the intrapsychic scripts asexuals use to negotiate romantic relationships

Przybylo, Ela (2011): Crisis and safety: The asexual in sexusociety

Scherrer, Kristin S. (2011): What Asexuality Contributes to the Same-Sex Marriage Discussion

Sundrud, Janet L. (2011): Performing Asexuality through Narratives of Sexual Identity

Yule, Morag Allison (2011): Furthering Our Understanding of Asexuality: An Investigation into Biological Markers of Asexuality, and the Development of the Asexuality Identification Scale


Cerankowski, Karli June; Milks, Megan (2010): New Orientations: Asexuality and Its Implications for Theory and Practice

Poston Jr, Dudley L.; Baumle, Amanda K. (2010): Patterns of asexuality in the United States


Scherrer, Kristin S. (2009): What Does Asexuality Have to Do with Polyamory? (teljes tartalom fizetős)


Brotto, Lori A.; Knudson, Gail; Inskip, Jess; Rhodes, Katherine; Erskine, Yvonne (2008): Asexuality: A Mixed-Methods Approach

Scherrer, Kristin S. (2008): Coming to an Asexual Identity: Negotiating Identity, Negotiating Desire


Prause, Nicole; Graham, Cynthia (2007): Asexuality: Classification and Characterization


Bogaert, Anthony F. (2006): Toward a Conceptual Understanding of Asexuality


Bogaert, Anthony F. (2004): Asexuality: Prevalence and Associated Factors in a National Probability Sample


Diamond, Lisa (2003): What Does Sexual Orientation Orient? A Biobehavioral Model Distinguishing Romantic Love and Sexual Desire


Storms, Michael D. (1980): Theories of Sexual Orientation (teljes tartalom fizetős)

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